XCP-D (eXTensible Connectivity Pipeline): A BIDS Post-Processing Solution for Resting State Data

Talk by Dr. Dianne Patterson

XCP Outputs


11 a.m. – Noon, Dec. 18, 2024


Abstract:  XCP-D is a BIDS app for resting state data that picks up where fmriprep leaves off.  XCP-D outputs participant-level functional connectivity, denoised BOLD images, ALFF, ReHo, and quality assessment reports, for a large selection of atlases. It can provide output in familiar volumetric space and in the superior Human Connectome Project surface-based formats. In this talk, I'll walk you through the datasets XCP-D can ingest, the selection of denoising strategies, the outputs XCP-D produces, and future directions.

This month's Virtual Working Group be on Wednesday, December 18 at 1:00pm EST (12:00pm CST, 11:00am MST, 10:00am PST) and will feature a talk by Dr. Dianne Patterson on the eXTensible Connectivity Pipeline (XCP-D) software for resting state fMRI data.  Key details are below.  If you've been interested in learning this tool or would like a new way to arizona.zoom.us/j/84996883837 process resting state fMRI data, this talk is for you.  I look forward to seeing you on the 18th at what will undoubtedly be an excellent presentation!